
Monday, June 29, 2015

The crop

Foot crack, door snap, I move like the space they need
Why does the lock make such noise while they sleep?
Handicaped child leading the devil's children
In an epic battle against a slightly cold floor.
God if I was dumb enough to lock myself here
I deserve to stay, and complain, with a Georgian

A million sorry's but, unfortunately,
it's leaking out, coming out, the real me
I can't help it, I have to, I have to bite my cheek.
As she sings from my brain, and not her daddy's
Named her for peace, and yet I swallow dreams
as she kicks in, I mean, kisses my knees,
Wind, Sound, Crop, whatever they please.
Whatever they please
Whatever they please

Careful, in my fantasies, I drink from the sink
And unapologetically call them silly
Can you take it, a moment, of that cold breeze?
The house, its coming, its all coming down, see
Cause my music is shaking the walls and the trees
And the Georgian runs free, she runs free, she runs free

Truly, forgive me, unfortunately,
It's spilling out, going down, the real me
I can't help it, I have to, I have to bite my cheek
As she holds my memories, and not her daddy's
Named her for peace, and now I swallow her wars
as she cuts up, I mean, kisses my pours.
Sound, Wind, Crop, Whatever they please
Whatever they please
Whatever they please

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