
Thursday, September 02, 2010

God's Body

Humans have a story. The story is that all-powerful, human shaped beings created the universe, and that we are their children. We have a serious fixation on the story of parental higher beings. Is this universal sense of almighty humans some evolutionary by-product, or evidence that its real? We believe we're the children of omnipotent people, because we're just so dang smart. We are real, real intelligent. The conclusion that follows is, clearly we'll rule the universe someday, or at least, there are glorified humans who rule the universe. Obviously, super, super intelligent biological creatures must be God's children. But what qualifies us to be God's children, when whales and dolphins and great apes are fairly intelligent too? Why is this shape, the human body, the only shape that becomes divine? Why would God need this kind of body when this body was evolved because of evolutionary necessity--hairlessness for endurance hunting, opposing thumbs to hold tools, the simian shelf moving forward and becoming the chin making room for more complicated vocal communication, skin color in response to the environment, reproductive organs, bellybuttons, etc. Why would God have a body designed for the earth?

Or did God simply direct evolution? Did God make sure our environment would shape us just so, so that we look like Gods? Why would God bother making sure we ended up in the same shape as them? Why would it matter that we appear like Gods in our mortal lives? We're going to lose our bodies anyway. Can God's spirit children only occupy the shape of a human body? Is there something in the DNA of a human that enables progression, all the way to creating universes? That's a real bummer for those smart whales that swim around and think about the mysteries of the universe, but just can't do anything about it because they have no thumbs. But there are no whale shaped Gods. There are only Gods for humans. Perhaps humans are the “special” ones simply because evolution has allowed us to become extremely productive, because of the shape of our bodies. Perhaps it is our productivity that will allow us to progress, that sets us apart, not how intelligent we are compared to whales. Perhaps God needs human DNA because the work that a God does requires fine motor skills and feet and brains and hands, just like us. Developing the nebulous, seemingly magical cyber-world was only possible because of the work of actual human hands. Perhaps the seemingly miraculous work of Gods comes about from actual hands, too. The shape of a body leads to the kinds of things it can create. If God is the creator of the universe, God's body must somehow facilitate the kind of creation that takes place.

Unless Gods are beings of pure thought, in which case, why have a body? If that kind of creation comes from pure will of thought then is a body really necessary? Perhaps it's necessary for consciousnesses to have a house in order to create stuff, and that's why a God would have some kind of body.

But maybe they are not beings of pure thought. Maybe they don't create by thinking and making it so. Maybe what it takes to create universes has to be done with hands. Then what is it those hands are doing? They're not reaching into the earth and moving the tectonic plates to create mountains, or squeezing dirt together to make a planet. Technically, God didn't actually make anything. When a baby is growing inside of you, God is not piecing together the organs. The baby is growing based on the DNA map and biological principles. What God makes are principles. God designs principles and physically makes those principles functional, and puts them into play. So that when a primordial soup of matter is floating around, principles start functioning, and creation starts happening on it's own. God designs gravity, somehow using a body, so that matter is attracted to each other. God designs electromagnetism so that charged particles respond to each other. God designs entropy and relativity and the strong and weak nuclear forces. God decides that quantum particles will be based on probability, that the speed of light is a barrier, that energy may transfer into different forms, that observation changes electromagnetic particle behavior. These are principles and these are the things that God creates. The result of their creations is a functional universe which eventually leads to intelligent life which then creates independently. And they achieve this somehow with physical bodies.

Alright, then, if physicality is necessary for these principles to be created, why would a human shaped body facilitate it? Is it possible their bodies are very, very different than we imagine? Is there any reason to think bodies that have been evolved to carve weapons and build houses and operate machines, also have the capacity for principle creation?

Well maybe it doesn't matter what kind of body it is. Maybe God's will simply needs a house, a brain to control. Maybe God looks human because they're simply partial to it. Maybe they chose these bodies because, heck, ya need some kind of body and brain to live in, and human is how they looked when they were in the infancy of their progression, still learning to make clubs and houses and computer chips, so they identify themselves as being this shape and there's no reason to change it.

So Gods look human then. And they make spirits who look like humans. But why would they make our spirits in the shape of human bodies? Can intelligences only be organized into “spirits” if they look like humans? Or perhaps they actually use their bodies to make spirits, so the spirits end up looking like bodies, spirit bodies that look just like our future physical bodies for some reason, because God, being omniscient, knows exactly who we are going to mate with someday, and for our convenience made the spiritual matter resemble twenty-year-old humans.

Or maybe we're just monkeys. Whew.

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