
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another battle with Benson

"You were not created to be the same as men. Your natural attributes, affections, and personalities are entirely different from these of a man. They consist of faithfulness, benevolence, kindness, and charity. They also balance the more aggressive and competitive nature of man. The business world is competitive and sometimes ruthless. We do not doubt that women have both the brain power and the skills to compete with men. But by competing they must of necessity, become aggressive and competitive. Thus their godly attributes are diminished and they acquire a quality of sameness with man. The conventional wisdom of the day would have you be equal with men. We say, we would not have you descend to that level." -Ezra Taft Benson

If a woman is really born with divine, nurturing, compassionate traits, would the world of business so easily destroy those qualities? I think women would change the business world for good, long before the business world would change women. Women are not malleable like children. If simply going to work can remove these qualities and replace them with new ones, perhaps they are not as ingrained into women as we think.

But if women truly are the naturally benevolent beings the church teaches us, what damage could possibly be done by allowing their influence to reach every human institution? What harm would any organization experience with a balanced leadership of female and male? What part of our world would collapse if it was more generous and kind? What about our current patriarchal, screwed up, warlike world are we so desperate to preserve? Are we so captive to our traditions, our history of death and despotism, that we'll turn our heads and let it remain the same forever, under the pretense that it's just the way God made things for men and women, that women have been as powerless as slaves because that's the way it's supposed to be? Here's a simple law of the universe: If you keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna keep getting what you're getting. Women have always been barred from authority and what do you get? A very dark, bloody, tragic world history. I say, just because masculinity has ruled the world without femininity for as long as we can remember, doesn't mean it's right. Just because women have motherly attributes, doesn't mean those attributes should be confined only to the home. If we have ever needed female qualities to take root in the businesses and organizations and policies and events of the world, it is now.


Racher said...

Julia, I love this...and I agree. "You can't be involved because you're SO MUCH BETTER than we are. Now go sit over by the window while we finish and think dreamy, nurturing thoughts. Know how valuable and competent we think you are and how much more we esteem your gifts than our own. For this reason we need you to be absent while we get this stuff done."

L. Allen Lowe said...

Ailu said...

oh I'm glad you agree rachel!!! You're hilarious by the way