
Tuesday, October 23, 2007


This is a bunch of weirdness that makes no sense whatsoever. Enjoy.

I'm either a monkey or I'm not.

If I am a monkey, why should I care?
There's nothing special inside screaming WHY except for a brain too big for It's own good. Changing any sort of outcome is beyond my reach, so worry? No. We acquire the need to be more than we are, to have something special, to be able to control a bigger object than ourselves so intensely, that we believe our thoughts can change the world. But If you aren't something special, and if they can't change the world, why care? If this is all there is, and I don't exist beyond the extent of, say, 60 more years, then I don't exist at all. Life is one big OH WELL. I don't remember not existing. That's because children have no connections or frame of references and so their memories are bad. Why is it that you can disprove everything, except that there is no afterlife. We all rush to make a way for us to live forever because we can't comprehend not living.

If I'm not a monkey, marvelous. I exist. Therefore, I exist forever. There's something special inside whispering WHY because we're supposed to find out. What is it? It's the thing that makes teenage boys cry. It's the thing that feels at peace even when the body is hanging on by a thread. Why do you die when your body is injured? Is there a point where the body has too many leaks to keep the spirit in? Enough will power will keep it in. The science book definition of what is alive is pathetic.
My final thought: Monkeys exist. Monkeys are alive. I don't care whether I am one or not. I don't care if I stay like this for eternity. I don't care if I have to be a polygamist for eternity. I just want to live.


Venite Maledicti said...

I once thought exactly as you do. But have you ever considered that maybe God created man through evolution? When we grow as a baby, we are a single cell at first, then we start to resemble a small fish, then a monkey-like creature, until we finally begin to resemble a human being. Through growth in the womb, we already go through every stage in evolution. We are not just monkeys. Nor are we just humans. Nor are monkeys just monkeys. We are all important. The human body dies, because spiritual and physical are one. The body can release the spirit and not die. But if the body is to destroyed to function it will break down and cease to function any longer. This damage to the body damages the spiritual aspect to our body. Our spiritual body, so to speak. Everything is both spiritual and physical in this world. When one thing happens in the physical plane, another happens in the spiritual.

And unless you are part of the Fundamentalist Mormon Church, I do not see why you think you should be a polygamist for eternity. I, for one, can love everyone unconditionally someday, but I will only love one being powerfully enough to create worlds with them. I am a male, they would be female, but I think we are equal. Males do not own the females. It is the Females that should decide if the Males are worthy of the priesthood or not.

And by the way, this all makes sense to me. I was once exactly where you are (or were). So I understand everything you said.

Ailu said...

wow I'm amazed you understood that! you're thoughts are very similar to mine. I've come to the conclusion that god made us through evolution, and so this subject doesn't really bother me anymore.
I think the body and spirit are completely connected too.
I put the polygamy thing cause I had heard from somewhere that there would be polygamy in heaven or some bullcrap like that, and it made me so sick to my stomach that I almost puked. I totally agree with you, 1 male 1 female. without equality between men and women, marriage seems cheapened to me.