
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

What. On earth. Am I.

What on earth am I, really?

I am a woman.
I am a feminist.
I am a mormon.
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

(Am I?)

I am a capitalist.
I am a conservative.
I am an artist.
I am a daughter of God.

(Am I really?)

I am human.
I am intelligent.
I am capable.
I am equal.

(Am I, really?)

I have a purpose.
I have a destiny.
I have divine potential.

(Do I?)

I have a specific role and set of duties that I must perform.
I carry within me certain feminine attributes that, by nature, all women share.

(Do I really?)

I am more nurturing than my brothers on earth.
I am less competitive than my brothers on earth.

(But, am I... Really?)

The current, orthodox path my life is on will bring me the most happiness and fulfillment.

(Will it?)

I want to be a mother.
I want a husband.

(Do I?)

I am an individual, not a product of my culture.

(Am I so sure?)

I can feel truth when it is presented to me. (Can I?)
I have the ability to receive direct revelation from God. (Do I?)
I am guided by the spirit. (Am I?)
I can gain a relationship with higher beings. (Can I?)

The gospel is the reason I'm so happy.

(Is it?)

I know who I am.
I know why I'm here.
I know what I can and cannot do.

I know what I am.

(Do I? Really?)

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