
Monday, July 20, 2009

We are

disconnected attachment
untangled enmeshment
unraveled and intertwined
Our nature Our intellect
Our perception of the present
the conception of Our future

steady without an anchor
devotion subjected to authorized freedom
friction between promise and the elimination of ignorance
holding tenacious to an intangible bond

memories endure
dreams thicken
generating a flicker in two minds deprived of light
the darkness a product of
divided connection
isolated union
unbound dependency

that's what we are

Friday, June 26, 2009


I can never have enough of you.
Just as I am most hungry, there's nothing there to fill, and I thirst for everything out of reach.
I touch your face
It disappears
I breath in your reality
It dissolves
I perceive your beauty
It leaves me cold and burns a memory in my mind that cannot be satisfied.
Overflowing promises are neatly amputated, but It leaves me gaping.
There's nothing clean about an open wound.
The world gave an alluring taste it had no intention of letting me savor and it pulls
it pulls

it pulls

my heart out with a string.
I fear the emptiness could pull my insides right out.
Desperately compelled I search to substitute your missing love but there is nothing without you.
like death
like taxes
I can never have enough of you.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Strange how a human is unable to fully give their heart to one person, before trying to give it to a few others.

Strange how love is a word that describes countless contrasting emotions.

Strange how natural territorial tendencies, which are born out of love, discourage so much love.

Strange how one can possess jealousy, and simultaneously have the desire to do the things which make jealousy erupt.

Strange that I feel the need for socialization, when the point of such socialization is to obtain what I already have.

Strange that so often in order to have the one you want, you have to give them up.

Strange how people you don't know very well can cause unbearably strong emotions inside of you.

Strange how human beings inexplicably gravitate toward certain people, whether they want to or not.

Strange that it is possible for humans to forge powerful, meaningful 1-way connections with each other, while the other person feels nothing at all.

Strange that we humans spend so much of our time trying to control the nearly uncontrollable.

Strange how the thing I desire most is the thing I am infamous for not having.

Strange that everyone is running around like crazy looking for a partner, and still most people are single.

Strange that a relationship is so difficult to ignite, because so much energy must be put into not "scaring the the other one off".

Strange that secrets perpetuate secrets, and that honesty is socially inappropriate.

Strange how so few people realize that being in love is actually a decision, not a supernatural phenomenon.

Monday, April 13, 2009


The phenomenon of forgetting yourself on purpose, and for no sane reason loving the deepest part of a separate entity, therefore grasping the reality of another individual for the first time, is utterly bewildering, nonsensical, exhilarating, wonderful, staggering, and it's existence is evidence that perhaps not everything is solid logic, but that the driving force responsible for the creation of the universe is simply a sweet emotion, unexplained by the most respected thoughts and theories, bringing what seems of great importance to insignificance. Blinded by it's brilliance all else is a silhouette.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Don't tell me

Go ahead and diagram your sentence all across your lips
Try as you may to project it to my water-logged ears,
all I hear is the sloshing of a repetitive beat
Regardless of how genuine
Because words are lost if the feet don't follow,
Your ideal unravels if the hands don't move,
don't prove.
Ironic that the cup after cup I'm supposed to chug
is served especially to convince me,
When all I desired was for the letters of my name
which trip off the tongue so easily
to be caught in the movement of your arms.
Your absence accelerates
the duality between words and deeds which twists my insides.

Unsafe to receive your sentence through anything but a coffee straw.

I can't
I'll drown

Friday, March 13, 2009

Love kinda feels like this

K, i don't like to pretend my poetry is some great literary achievement, it's just what comes to my head.

A love most magnificent,
the aspiration of happiness,
Our genuine ambition
Breaths from you.
It takes command of my heart and
Within It's grasp
I know true love.
It stays with me when we part,
It walks with me when I walk away.
It follows me into the night, and is the
Companion to my dreams.
My love for you remains
the cause
the reason
the essence
of Joy.