
Sunday, May 31, 2009


Strange how a human is unable to fully give their heart to one person, before trying to give it to a few others.

Strange how love is a word that describes countless contrasting emotions.

Strange how natural territorial tendencies, which are born out of love, discourage so much love.

Strange how one can possess jealousy, and simultaneously have the desire to do the things which make jealousy erupt.

Strange that I feel the need for socialization, when the point of such socialization is to obtain what I already have.

Strange that so often in order to have the one you want, you have to give them up.

Strange how people you don't know very well can cause unbearably strong emotions inside of you.

Strange how human beings inexplicably gravitate toward certain people, whether they want to or not.

Strange that it is possible for humans to forge powerful, meaningful 1-way connections with each other, while the other person feels nothing at all.

Strange that we humans spend so much of our time trying to control the nearly uncontrollable.

Strange how the thing I desire most is the thing I am infamous for not having.

Strange that everyone is running around like crazy looking for a partner, and still most people are single.

Strange that a relationship is so difficult to ignite, because so much energy must be put into not "scaring the the other one off".

Strange that secrets perpetuate secrets, and that honesty is socially inappropriate.

Strange how so few people realize that being in love is actually a decision, not a supernatural phenomenon.